This document (the “White Paper”) is published by PLANDAIL ITALIA S.R.L. (trading as “TRRUE “ or “TRRUE Italy””), part of the Trrue corporate group, which includes Plandail Ltd, the headquarter and parent Ireland-registered company trading as “TRRUE” or “TRRUE Ireland”. Where this document refers to ‘the Company’, this is in reference to Plandail Italia S.R.L trading as ‘TRRUE’. The White Paper is meant solely for educational and informational purposes and any crypto assets described in this White Paper will be decentralised assets issued by an authorised entity within TRRUE or by third-party smart contracts that have been deployed on public blockchain ledgers
This White Paper is an informational document that outlines the plans of TRRUE and should not be relied upon for any form of investment or asset purchase. The current plans disclosed by this document are subject to significant change at the discretion of TRRUE due to an evolving regulatory and market landscape.
Nothing in this document is to be construed as investment or financial advice. Purchasing cryptocurrency, such as the TRRUE Coin, in Token Sales is highly risky and can lead to a partial or complete loss of your investment. Neither Trrue nor any other party involved in the making of this document take any responsibility or accept any liability for any investments, profits, or losses you may incur as a result of this information or acting on this information.
None of the contents of this document serve as an inducement or as advice to engage in any kind of investment activity. This document is by no means intended to be a solicitation, invitation or offering for investment or the sale or issuance of securities or any interests or assets. The purchase of [TRRUE] Tokens is governed by the Token Sale Terms and Conditions.
While the information in this document is provided in good faith, TRRUE cannot warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the information shared in this document. TRRUE cannot be held accountable or liable for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise such as changes in legislation, which are impossible to predict. TRRUE may at its sole discretion choose to change the roadmap, goals, and strategy of TRRUE, without notice or incurring any obligation or liability to any Token Sale buyer. Trrue will be as transparent as possible towards its users and do everything within its power to achieve all goals as presented in the White Paper.
TRRUE expressly excludes any and all liability and responsibility in relation to this document or anyone acting on it, and every person or party participating in the Token Sale expressly waives all and any claims against TRRUE for any direct or indirect loss or damage of any kind whatsoever whether foreseeable or not resulting directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on the information provided in this document or by TRRUE in connection with any potential further inquiry (ii) any error, omission, or inaccuracy with regards to the information provided in this document, (iii) any action resulting therefrom or (iv) the usage or purchase of products created by TRRUE.
This document shall not bind or convey or imply any rights, obligations, terms, performance, contracts, representations, warranties or guarantees on behalf of TRRUE towards Token Sale buyers, or create any kind of relationship or agreement between TRRUE and Token Sale buyers or any other party. This disclaimer applies regardless of any negligence, default, or breach of duty on the part of TRRUE.
Last updated